PFAS - Referenser

Allmänna referenser

ITRC - PFAS - Aktuell information om undersökningsmetoder, egenskaper, toxikologi mm. 

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SGI, (2015). Preliminära riktvärden för högfluorerade ämnen (PFAS) i mark och grundvatten.

SGI Publikation 21.


ITRC. Technical Resources for Addressing Environmental Releases of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS): Interstate Technology Regulatory Council; 2020 [Available from:

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Schaefer, Charles E., Maria C. S. Lemes, Trever Schwichtenberg, och Jennifer A. Field. 2022. ”Enrichment of Poly- and Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in the Surface Microlayer and Foam in Synthetic and Natural Waters”. Journal of Hazardous Materials 440: 129782.

Schellenberger, Steffen et al. 2019. ”Release of Side-Chain Fluorinated Polymer-Containing Microplastic Fibers from Functional Textiles During Washing and First Estimates of Perfluoroalkyl Acid Emissions”. Environmental Science & Technology 53(24): 14329–38.

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Schulz, Katarina, Marcia R. Silva, och Rebecca Klaper. 2020. ”Distribution and Effects of Branched versus Linear Isomers of PFOA, PFOS, and PFHxS: A Review of Recent Literature”. The Science of the Total Environment 733: 139186.

SGU-rapport 2022:16.

Sha, Bo et al. 2022. ”Sea Spray Aerosol (SSA) as a Source of Perfluoroalkyl Acids (PFAAs) to the Atmosphere: Field Evidence from Long-Term Air Monitoring”. Environmental Science & Technology 56(1): 228–38.

Srivastava, Prashant et al. 2022. ”Method for Extraction and Analysis of Per- and Poly-Fluoroalkyl Substances in Contaminated Asphalt”. Analytical Methods 14(17): 1678–89.

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Sörengård, Mattias, Johannes Kikuchi, Karin Wiberg, och Ahrens Lutz. 2022. ”Spatial Distribution and Load of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (Pfass) in Background Soils in Sweden”. (01 november 2022).

Thai, Phong K. et al. 2022. ”Release of Perfluoroalkyl Substances from AFFF-Impacted Concrete in a Firefighting Training Ground (FTG) under Repeated Rainfall Simulations”. Journal of Hazardous Materials Letters 3: 100050.

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Titaley, Ivan A., Florentino B. De la Cruz, Morton A. Barlaz, och Jennifer A. Field. 2023. ”Neutral Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in In Situ Landfill Gas by Thermal Desorption–Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry”. Environmental Science & Technology Letters 10(3): 214–21.

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